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Auroratone (2012) Sabrina Ratté |
La revista INCITE!, especializada en el análisis y el debate sobre la experimentación fílmica y videográfica actual, alcanza su sexto número con un monográfico dedicado específicamente a la noción de temporalidad. Forever es el título bajo el que se presentan un conjunto de artículos, representaciones visuales y colaboraciones diversas de un buen número de cineastas, historiadores y dinamizadores de la escena internacional. El cineasta Walter Fosberg y el archivista del Anthology Film Archives John Klacsmann son los editores de un volumen que incluye la participación de un listado de realizadores, principalmente norteamericanos, ligados al experimental media. Nos referimos a los nombres de Peggy Ahwesh, Craig Baldwin, Bradley Eros, Brian L. Frye, Andrew Lampert, Jesse McLean y Brett Kashmere, el mismo director de la publicación. Todos ellos contribuyen a repensar los medios de creación de imágenes en movimiento en relación al devenir temporal, concentrándolo, prolongándolo o dilatándolo.
Table of Contents
Sabrina Ratté, [untitled images] (cover)
Zak Marmalefsky, [untitled comic]
Walter Forsberg & John Klacsmann, Editors' Introduction
It's About Fucking Time
Kevin Croker & John Madey, The Microscopic Paradox of Temporality
Bradley Eros, Black Hole Cinema
Michael Betancourt, INFINITY
Steve Cossman, No Name, or, Micro Movie Viewers
Cheryl Hann, The Eternal Insanity of GIF Loops and Why We Love It
Anonymous, Skipping
Anonymous, Night Vision
Anonymous, Farm Equipment
Suzanne Porath, Craig Baldwin’s Clock [photograph]
Craig Baldwin, Re: INCITE Forever
Mark Byrnes, The Death and Life of the 13-Month Calendar
Charles Levine, Computer-Cinema-Art
Peggy Ahwesh, Anamorphs
Walter Forsberg & John Klacsmann, A SPIRAL-side Chat with Terry Cannon
Sabine Gruffat, Amarillo Ramp
Pro-Long & Ext-End
@timebasedmedia, Tape Heaven
Samplerman, [untitled comics]
Brett Kashmere, You've Got To Look Into the Light: An Interview with Jesse McLean
Nadia Baram Larralde, We Are All Haunted Houses
T.K. Peters, Preservation of History in the Crypt of Civilization
Ross Lipman, Babel: the Remake
Marsha Gordon, An Introduction to the Bastard Film Encounter
Andrew Lampert, Invocation of My Bastard Brother
Greg Pierce, [untitled photograph]
Soda_Jerk, The Anarchivist Manifesto
Walter Forsberg, The Hibernating Emulsion
Clint Enns, [untitled images]
Jason Fulford, Super Bowl XL [photograph]
Brett Kashmere, Print the Legend (On NFL Films)
Walter Forsberg, No Olvide Su Kodak
Charles Levine, Computer Communications for the Film-makers’ Co-op
Rutherford Chang, [Letter to Nintendo Power]
Brian L. Frye, Three Great Phonographers: Warhol, Nixon, and Kaufman
Leslie Supnet, Duration is Dead. Infinity is Forever.
@timebasedmedia, Selected Communiqués, 2014-2015
Amy Lockhart, [untitled drawing]
Zak Marmalefsky, [untitled comic]
Sabrina Ratté, [untitled image] (back cover)
With limited edition multiples by:
Bradley Eros, Black Hole Cinema Dossier [risograph ‘zine]
Jon Dieringer, 24 Hour Weekend at Bernie’s [Blu-Ray disc]
John Klacsmann, DURATION IS DEAD [sticker]
@timebasedmedia, TBM badge [Glow-In-The-Dark button]
Walter Forsberg & John Klacsmann, INCITE #∞ Call For Entries [flier]
SPIRAL Group, Inc., SPIRAL No. 3 (April 1985) [Compact Cassette re-issue]
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Sightings (2014) Sabrina Ratté |
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Visites Possibles (2014) Sabrina Ratté |